jeudi 14 octobre 2010

L'université "Suny Albany" (Etat de New York) ferme son département de Lettres, Langues et Humanités

L'université "Suny Albany" (Etat de New York) ferme son département de Lettres, Langues et Humanités ("Liberal Arts", en anglais) - faute de rentabilité financière.

Extrait d'un commentaire de presse. Ce que dit le journaliste sur la langue française est intéressant ! :

George M. Philip, president of SUNY Albany, announced that the French, Italian, Classics [Lettres classiques], Russian and theater programs were getting the axe.

For someone of my vintage the elimination of French was the shocker. In the 1960s and '70s, French departments were the location of much of the intellectual energy. Faculty and students in other disciplines looked to French philosophers and critics for inspiration; the latest thing from Paris was instantly devoured and made the subject of conferences. Spanish was then the outlier, a discipline considered stodgy and uninteresting.

Now Spanish is the only safe department to be in. Russian's stock has gone down, one presumes, because in recent years the focus of our political (and to some extent cultural) attention has shifted from Russia to China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. Classics has been on the endangered species list for decades. As for theater, the first thing to go in a regime of bottom-line efficiency are the plays.

L'article intégral, dans le New York Times :

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